
Call of duty world at war missionen
Call of duty world at war missionen

call of duty world at war missionen

  • Addressed an issue where the sawblade shield item was not correctly creating crawling zombies.
  • Replaced the third Fate award for maxing out at 9X multiplier with a new mystery award.
  • Chickens that are spinning out now use the player’s last weapon correctly.
  • Treasure in Poppy’s room should no longer time out.
  • In First-Person game mode, all Divine Shield (orange) potions are now automatically swapped out for the more useful Health (red) potions.
  • Addressed an issue where the Retrieval canister could fall off the player while riding a Snowmobile on steep terrain.
  • call of duty world at war missionen

    Addressed an issue where the Retrieval canister could fall under the map when entering Phase Tears.Added more Treyarch Zombies tracks to unlock for the Music Player via the “Unknown Signal” World Events in Outbreak.Added an audio cue when starting and failing certain steps to indicate when zombies will start attacking.Increased respawn delays on all zombies.Slightly reduced Legion’s chest armor health.New tuning changes to the existing Outbreak Main Quest in Ruka:.New in-game story Intel available to discover."Operation Excision" Main Quest coming to Outbreak starting at 10AM PT June 17th.

    call of duty world at war missionen

    A lot of these pertain to Dead Ops Arcade 3, but there's also changes coming to Outbreak and bug fixes.

    Call of duty world at war missionen Patch#

    If you're looking to be the first to complete it, now you know when to make yourself available.įollowing on from this, we have a few actual Patch Notes to talk to you about. This is just about when the new Ground Fall event is due to start in Black Ops Cold War and Warzone. Firstly, the "Operation Excision" Main Quest in Outbreak is due to start at 10:00 PST / 13:00 EST / 18:00 BST.

    Call of duty world at war missionen